Annual General meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting was held on 26 April, at 15:00 p.m.

Prior to the Annual General Meeting on April 26, 2021, Coor's President and CEO AnnaCarin Grandin recorded her President's speech digitally (in Swedish).

Due to the coronavirus, the board of directors decided that the annual general meeting were conducted without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives or third parties and that the shareholders exercised their voting rights only by post before the meeting.

Minutes and other documentation from the AGM

Minutes, full presentation and other documentation are available here in Swedish.

Invitation and other related documents prior to the AGM

Notice convening the AGM
Form of Proxy
Presentation of proposed board members
Nomination Committee´s proposal AGM
Nomination Committee´s reasoned statement
Statement according to ABL 18 kap 4§
Statement according to ABL 19 kap 22§
Notification of attandance and form for advance voting
Articles of Association Proposal
Remuneration report
Revisors yttrande (only in Swedish)


For further information, contact:

Jan Särlvik, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Nordea
+46 733 577 035

Erik Strümpel, General Counsel, Coor Group
+46 10 559 59 72

Magdalena Öhrn, Communications Director, Coor
+46 10 559 55 19